Expand access so everyone can play, always. Created by Curious Origins Framework
Play networked multiplayer games with anyone, anywhere, with or without Internet, whether they have heard of the game before or not.
Void Control hosts 3 servers:
The beauty of this framework is that anyone who wants to play a game can. All they have to do is log into the device running the app with their own browser (Chrome and Firefox tested on Android and PC). Once there they can download a .jar or .apk for their system, or install nothing and play via HTML5.
Pawney's Wrath tried to let anyone play by not capping the player limit for a single device. Void Control will go one step further and not require any potential players to have downloaded the app.
This framework is being developed alongside a game to run on it. Once that game is released, Pawney's wrath will be ported to allow the same easy network play experience. Hopefully, by then, the framework will be modular enough to enter the public domain for other projects.